Doing these things could help you get your deposit back on time.
Many tenancies end on the last day of a fixed term if all the tenants move out.
You might have to give your landlord notice that you are leaving if:
Your landlord might keep your deposit if you leave early or without notice.
Even if you do not need to give a legal notice, you should:
Discuss this by email or letter. Keep the emails or messages they send back.
Always agree your tenancy end date with your landlord in writing.
This means you and your landlord know the date when you will stop paying rent and when you should get your deposit back.
Most private renters have an assured shorthold tenancy (AST).
With this tenancy type your landlord or agent must:
There are 3 deposit protection scheme providers and each one has a:
Check which type of scheme your landlord has used.
All schemes have a free dispute service if your landlord makes unfair deductions.
There are 3 scheme providers:
You need a postcode, surname, tenancy start date and deposit amount to search.
Call your scheme if you cannot get into your online account.
Your deposit should still be protected.
See if your agreement says anything about your landlord keeping your deposit.
Try to do what the agreement says about looking after the property.
Unfair terms are things in your agreement which are not fair and which cannot be enforced. This means your landlord or agent cannot make you do them.
Your landlord or agent should have done an inventory with you when your tenancy started.
An inventory is a list of fixtures, fittings and furnishings in each room. For example:
The inventory should say the age of the items, the condition they were in and how clean they were. It should be an accurate record of the property's condition when you moved in.
You should leave the property in a similar condition to when you took the tenancy on.
Your landlord should not take money for normal wear and tear.
Last updated: 17 July 2024