3.3.3 Income Methodology

Income eligibility for MinnesotaCare is based on projected annual income (PAI). PAI is the Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) that a person expects to have for a calendar year. PAI includes the MAGI a person has already received for the year as well as the MAGI the person expects to receive for the remaining months of the year. PAI also includes temporary income the person receives or expects to receive within the entire calendar year. When a person is requesting coverage for a future calendar year, PAI consists of the MAGI a person expects to receive for that future year.

An applicant or enrollee may attest to a PAI that is different from his or her current income. When a person reports a change in PAI, current income and adjustments may also change There may be inconsistent information when the PAI a person reports conflicts with other information or documentation provided by the person or in the case file.

Refer to the MAGI Fact Sheet for a quick reference guide for MAGI.

Federal Taxable Income

Federal taxable income are the different types of income that appear in the Income section of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) form 1040, IRS form 1040-A or IRS form 1040-EZ. Only the taxable portions of these types of income are included in the adjusted gross income. The types of losses that would be reported on income tax returns can offset income. See the appropriate IRS form instructions for examples of federal taxable income. The general types of taxable income include the following: