Fact Sheet: Driver’s Licenses for All

Driver’s licenses, issued by Minnesota’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), allow individuals to navigate our roads safely and legally. In Minnesota, only individuals who pass the driver’s test and prove legal immigration status are allowed to receive a driver’s license. That means immigrants without immigration status do not have safe, legal access to our shared roads. Currently, eighteen states , Washington D.C., and Puerto Rico allow undocumented immigrants access to driver’s licenses.

How does issuing driver’s licenses without regard to immigration status benefit Minnesota?

It makes our roads safer for everyone

It benefits families and the economy

It makes life safer for our immigrant neighbors and friends

It keeps our communities healthy in the fight against COVID-19

How would it work?

ILCM is a member of the Freedom to Drive Coalition. Visit the Freedom to Drive Minnesota website for a full list of Freedom to Drive Coalition members.